Michio Arda

Singer & Ninja of the Far East | Crystal DC


Skilled performer & ninja


Petite and colorful

hooks & ooc

Where you can catch him & me


Race: Viera (Veena)
Gender: Male
Age: 100-200 (Assumed)
Height: 5' 8"
Occupation: Singer & performer
Eye Color: Silver
Hair Color: Amaranth
Sexuality: Gay


Formerly from the Skatay Range, Michio left his clan to pursue a passion for singing that was not much use for the defense of the Range. Prior to leaving, he had been trained in the arts of the ninja for proper defense and did take it seriously, understanding the practicality of it. His ninja skills would prove to be helpful as a way to get on his feet and start a living after leaving.First arriving to Yanxia, he began accuring funds through taking on adventurer tasks and hunts. All the while, he continued to train his voice and was afforded the opportunity to perform for residents at the Doman Enclave.This was Michio's continued practice until he was spotted by a hostelry owner visiting the Enclave who invited him to perform in Kugane and try his stakes there. Embracing the opportunity, Michio then traveled to Kugane to continue his performances there. All the while, he continues to moonlight as a ninja of the hunt as a means to continue to secure extra funds for living.


When not being a ninja, Michio can be found donning very causal or Far Eastern attire that compliment his petite form. The colors of his wardrobe tend to be soft and bright for fun pops of color.He has a short rabbit-like tail and platigrade feet that are soft with his amaranth colored fur going up to his ankles. In addition, he has small, short claws at the ends of his fingers. His amaranth hair is normally in a long ponytail that reaches midway down his back. He has silver colored eyes that he accentuates with dark amaranth mascara.Personality: ESFJ-A. While kind-hearted, he can find himself being a bit vain for the sake of keeping up appearances. His feelings can be a bit sensitive, especially in regards to criticism. Despite this, he evokes warmth and harmony.

possible hooks

- Do you visit or live in Yanxia? You may have spotted him around prior to his departure to Kugane. Michio still returns to Doma fairly regularly, both for leisure and performance.
- Passing through Kugane? Here is where Michio has taken up his new residence and continues to perform. If interested in his singing, he can be found at the Shiokaze Hostelry or the Rakusui Gardens. Otherwise, he can be found in Kogane Dori or the Bokaisen Hot Springs.
- Have a lawful task that requires the work of a ninja? Despite being a singer, Michio is still very skilled as a ninja, having depended on it to make a living and his own defense. This type of work can include the hunting of marks, reconnaissance, or government-sanctioned target removal.
*This list is not exhaustive and other ideas of meeting can definitely be suggested.


Mateus Home World | Mountain Time ZoneI am open to in-game and offline RP (via Discord, Docs, etc.). OOC, I am 28, so 18+ RP is okay. In-game RP walkups are okay when I have the RP tag is on, but always feel free to say hi or wave me down if you spot me in game!You can contact me with any questions or RP ideas via Twitter DMs or in-game /tell.